PHP Packages Using the PEAR Installer - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Packages Using the PEAR Installer - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Thursday, July 18, 2019

PHP Packages Using the PEAR Installer

PHP Packages

Using the PEAR Installer


You want to use the PEAR installer, pyrus. This allows you to install new packages, upgrade, and get information about your existing PEAR packages.


Install Pyrus.

To execute a command, type the command name as the first argument on the command line:

       % php pyrus.phar command


Pyrus is a tool to manage PEAR packages. It’s not bundled with PHP, so you need to install it yourself. Fortunately, Pyrus is distributed as a self-contained PHP Archive (akaa phar). So, all that’s necessary is to download the file.

Then use PHP to run it:

       % php pyrus.phar --version
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52 
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       php pyrus.phar version 2.0.0a4.

Here’s how to list all installed PEAR packages with the list-packages command:

       % php pyrus.phar list-packages
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Listing installed packages [/Users/rasmus/lib]:
       (no packages installed in channel
       (no packages installed in channel
       [channel __uri]:
       (no packages installed in channel __uri)
       Archive_Tar 1.3.7 stable
       Console_Getopt 1.3.0 stable
       PEAR 1.9.4 stable
       Structures_Graph 1.0.4 stable
       XML_Util 1.2.1 stable

For a list of all valid PEAR commands, use help.

pyrus has commands for both using and developing PEAR packages; as a result, there are many commands that you may not need. The package command, for example, creates a new PEAR package. If you only run other people’s packages, you can safely ignore this command. 

Table  Common PEAR installer commands

Command name   Shortcut       Description                                                                                                              
install                         i                   Download and install packages
upgrade                     up                Upgrade installed packages
uninstall                    un                Remove installed packages
list-packages             l                   List installed packages
list-upgrades             lu                List all available upgrades for installed packages
channel-discover     di                 Initialize an alternate PEAR Channel from its server
list-channels             lc                 List all locally configured PEAR Channels
search                         s                  Search for packages

To find where your PEAR packages are located, run the get php_dir PEAR command. You can check the value of the include_path by calling ini_get('include_path') from within PHP or by looking at your php.ini file. If you can’t alter php.ini because you’re in a shared hosting environment, add the directory to the include_path at the top of your script before including any PEAR files.

You can configure Pyrus settings using:

       % php pyrus.phar set setting value

Here setting is the name of the parameter to modify and value is the new value. To see all your current settings, use the get command:

       % php pyrus.phar get
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       System paths:
            php_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/php
            ext_dir => /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212
            cfg_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/cfg
            doc_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/docs
            bin_dir => /usr/bin
            data_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/data
            www_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/www
            test_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/tests
            src_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/src
            php_bin => /usr/bin/php
            php_ini => /private/etc/php.ini
            php_prefix =>
            php_suffix =>
       Custom System paths:
       User config (from /Users/rasmus/.pear/pearconfig.xml):
            default_channel =>
            auto_discover => 0
            http_proxy =>
            cache_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/cache
            temp_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/temp
            verbose => 1
            preferred_state => stable
            umask => 0022
            cache_ttl => 3600
            my_pear_path => /Users/rasmus/lib
            plugins_dir => /Users/rasmus/.pear
       (variables specific to
            username =>
            password =>
            preferred_mirror =>
            download_dir => /Users/rasmus/lib/downloads
            openssl_cert =>
            handle =>
            paranoia => 2
       Custom User config (from /Users/rasmus/.pear/pearconfig.xml):
       (variables specific to

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