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Thursday, July 18, 2019

PHP Packages Finding PEAR Packages

PHP Packages

Finding PEAR Packages


You want a listing of PEAR packages. From this list you want to learn more about each package and decide if you want to install it.


Browse PEAR 2 packages and PEAR packages, or search for packages. Use pear’s remote-list command to get a listing of PEAR packages. Explore listings of PEAR channel servers.


There are a few ways to review available PEAR and PEAR-compatible packages. First, to browse the listings of official PEAR packages in a directory-style fashion, go to and From there you can burrow into each individual PEAR category.

Alternatively, you can search through the listings at the following address: The search page allows you to search by package name, author, category, and release date.

You can also ask Pyrus to provide you with a listing of packages in the PEAR channel using the remote-list command:

       % php pyrus.phar remote-list pear
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Remote packages for channel pear:
       Key: * = installed, ! = upgrades available
            Auth                                   1.6.4          Creating an authentication system.
            Auth_HTTP                     2.1.8          HTTP authentication
            Auth_PrefManager         1.2.2          Preferences management class
            Auth_PrefManager2      2.0.0dev\ Preferences management class

            XML_XPath2                  n/a             The PEAR::XML_XPath2 package provided
                                                                           an XPath/DOM XML manipulation,
                                                                           maneuvering and query interface.
            XML_XRD                       0.3.0          PHP library to parse and generate
                                                                           "Extensible Resource Descriptor"
                                                                            (XRD + JRD) files
            XML_XSLT_Wrapper  0.2.2           Provides a single interface to the
                                                                            different XSLT interface or commands
            XML_XUL                       0.9.1           Class to build Mozilla XUL applications.
       Key: * = installed, ! = upgrades available

You can also query compatible PEAR Channel servers for available packages using the remote-list command. To do so, you must first make Pyrus aware of the alternate channel server. For example:

       % php pyrus.phar channel-discover
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Discovery of channel successful

       % php pyrus.phar list-channels
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Listing channels [/Users/rasmus/lib]:
       __uri (__uri) (phpdocs) (drush) (pear) (pecl)

       % php pyrus.phar remote-list drush
       Pyrus version 2.0.0a4 SHA-1: 72271D92C3AA1FA96DF9606CD538868544609A52
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Remote packages for channel drush:
            drush                              command line shell and Unix scripting
                                                                            interface for Drupal
       Key: * = installed, ! = upgrades available

To install a file from a remote channel, prepend the channel name and a slash before the package name. For example, to install the drush package from the drush channel:

       % php pyrus.phar install drush/drush
       Using PEAR installation found at /Users/rasmus/lib
       Mime-type: application/x-tar
 [=========================================================>] 100% (494/494 kb)

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