PHP Software Engineering Setting Up a Test Environment - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Software Engineering Setting Up a Test Environment - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Saturday, July 6, 2019

PHP Software Engineering Setting Up a Test Environment

PHP Software Engineering

Setting Up a Test Environment


You want to test out PHP scripts without worrying about bringing your website down or contaminating your production environment.


Set up a test environment for your application on your desktop machine, using XAMPP.


The complexity of setting up a localized running environment for your web application frequently deters developers from taking that step. The result is often a breakdown in development best practices, such as editing files on the production website as a privileged user—never a good idea!

The XAMPP project provides single-installer solutions for four platforms: Windows98/NT/2000/XP, Mac OS X, Linux (SuSE/RedHat/Mandrake/Debian), and Solaris. The packages contain synchronized versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and PEAR, phpMyAdmin, and eAccelerator.

With an easy, step-by-step installation procedure, the XAMPP project makes creating a web-application-running environment on your local machine a snap.

Dealing with a large dataset? Unfortunately, developers working with sites that deal extensively with content that changes frequently find that they let best practices development habits slip due to a lack of good test data to work with. Don’t let this happen to you! Simply write a script that mirrors your data structure locally, and then periodically update your local copy of data with a subset snapshot of the complete dataset. That wayyou’re easily able to pull in a current copy of relevant data that’s large enough to be used for real testing and development purposes.

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