PHP Packages Finding Composer Packages - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Packages Finding Composer Packages - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

PHP Packages Finding Composer Packages

PHP Packages

Finding Composer Packages


You want to find packages you can install using Composer.


Check Packagist or ask Composer to list or search packages.


Packagist is the primary collection of Composer packages. Anyone can add their package to its directory, so others can find it by browsing or searching.
Figure  Guzzle Package Information page on the Packagist website

Packagist doesn’t host any source code or documentation. For that, you need to visit the project’s repository and home page.

Composer can list all the packages known by Packagist with the show command:

     % php composer.phar show
     No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages ↵
     from packagist

          composer-plugin-api  1.0.0            The Composer Plugin API
          ext-bcmath                   0                   The bcmath PHP extension

          lib-xsl                            1.1.26           The xsl PHP library
          php                                5.3.26          The PHP interpreter
          php-64bit                     5.3.26          The PHP interpreter (64bit)



However, this list is tens of thousands of lines long. So, it’s better to search instead using the search command:

     % php composer.phar search http
     No composer.json found in the current directory, showing packages from packagist
     guzzle/http HTTP libraries used by Guzzle
     symfony/http-foundation Symfony HttpFoundation Component
     symfony/http-kernel Symfony HttpKernel Component
     net/http A basic HTTP client
     minfraud/http MaxMind minFraud HTTP API
     react/http Library for building an evented http server.
     techdivision/http HTTP protocol implementation for usage in server context
     vinelab/http An http library developed for the laravel framework. aliases
            itself as HttpClient
     joomla/http Joomla HTTP Package
     minond/http Http helpers
     icanboogie/http Provides an API to handle HTTP requests.
     aura/http The Aura HTTP package provides objects to build and send HTTP ↵
     requests and responses.
     orno/http A wrapper for Symfony\HttpFoundation with some encapsulation and ↵
     convenience methods.
     zendframework/zend-http provides an easy interface for performing Hyper-Text ↵
     Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests

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