PHP Command-Line PHP Program: DOM Explorer - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Command-Line PHP Program: DOM Explorer - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

PHP Command-Line PHP Program: DOM Explorer

PHP Command-Line PHP

Program: DOM Explorer

The dom-explorer.php program provides a shell-like prompt to let you explore an HTML document interactively. It reads an HTML document from a provided URL, parses it into a DOMDocument, and then gives you a prompt at which you can enter commands to see the node structure and contents of the documents.

Additionally, dom-explorer.php uses the Readline word-completion features to more easily enter node locations. Enter a few characters and hit Tab to see a list of nodes that match the characters you’ve typed:

         % php dom-explorer.php
         /html > ls
         head body
         /html > ls head
         title style[1] comment()[1] style[2] comment()[2] meta link[1] link[2] link[3] ↵
         script[1] link[4] script[2]
         /html > cat head/title
         PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
         /html > cd body
         /html/body > ls
         text()[1] div[1] text()[2] div[2] text()[3] div[3] text()[4] div[4] text()[5] ↵
         div[5] text()[6] div[6] text()[7] script comment()
         /html/body > cd div[2]
         /html/body/div[2] > ls
         a text()[1] div text()[2]
         /html/body/div[2] > cat a

         /html/body/div[2] > cat div
         downloads |
         documentation | faq
         | getting help | mailing lists | licenses | wiki
         | reporting bugs | sites | conferences | my
         /html/body/div[2] > exit

Example  dom-explorer.php

         /* Need to specify a URL on the commandline */
         isset($argv[1]) or die("No URL specified");

         /* Load the HTML and start the command loop */
         $explorer = new DomExplorer($argv[1]);

         class DomExplorer {

                public function __construct($url) {
                     $html = file_get_contents($url);
                     if (false === $html) {
                          throw new Exception("Can't retrieve $url");
                     /* Turn the HTML into valid XHTML */
                     $clean = tidy_repair_string($html, array('output-xhtml' => true));

                     /* Load it into a DOMDocument, hiding any libxml
                     * warnings */
                     $this->doc = new DOMDocument();
                     if (false === $this->doc->loadHtml($clean)) {
                          throw new Exception("Can't parse {$url} as HTML");
                     $this->currentNode = $this->doc->documentElement;
                     $this->x = new DOMXPath($this->doc);
                public function loop() {
                     /* The "completion" function will provide tab-completion at the prompt */
                     readline_completion_function(array($this, 'completion'));
                     while (true) {
                          /* Use the current node as part of the prompt */
                          $line = readline($this->currentNode->getNodePath() . ' > ');
                          /* The first word typed in is the command, the rest are arguments */
                          $parts = explode(' ', $line);
                          $cmd = array_shift($parts);

                          /* Each command is a method, so call it if it exists */
                          $cmd_function_name = "cmd_$cmd";
                          if (is_callable(array($this, $cmd_function_name))) {
                               try {
                               } catch (Exception $e) {
                                      print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
                          else {
                               print "Unknown Command: $line\n";

                  * Command: exit the program
                protected function cmd_exit($args) {
                  * Command: list all nodes under the current node or
                  * a specified node
                protected function cmd_ls($args) {
                     if (isset($args[0]) && strlen($args[0])) {
                          $node = $this->resolvePath($args[0]);
                     else {
                          $node = $this->currentNode;
                     print implode(' ' , $this->getChildNodePaths($node)) . "\n";

                  * Command: change to a new current node
                protected function cmd_cd($args) {
                     /* If an argument is provided, use it */
                     if (isset($args[0]) && strlen($args[0])) {
                          $this->currentNode = $this->resolvePath($args[0]);
                     /* Otherwise go back to the "root" */
                     else {
                          $this->currentNode = $this->doc->documentElement;
                  * Command: print the text content of a node
                protected function cmd_cat($args) {
                     if (isset($args[0]) && strlen($args[0])) {
                          $node = $this->resolvePath($args[0]);
                          print $node->textContent . "\n";
                     else {
                          throw new Exception("cat requires an argument");

                  * Get all the paths of the nodes under the provided
                  * node, trimming off the path of the current node from
                  * the paths of the child nodes
                protected function getChildNodePaths($node) {
                     $children = array();
                     $curdir = $node->getNodePath();
                     foreach ($node->childNodes as $node) {
                          $path = $node->getNodePath();
                          $sub = substr($path, strlen($curdir) + 1);
                          $children[] = $sub;
                     return $children;

                  * When tab is pressed, return an array of child
                  * node paths as possible completion targets
                protected function completion($str, $index) {
                     return $this->getChildNodePaths($this->currentNode);

                  * Resolve an xpath expression relative to the current
                  * node, and make sure it only matches 1 target node
                protected function resolvePath($arg) {
                     $matches = $this->x->query($arg, $this->currentNode);
                if ($matches === false) {
                     throw new Exception("Bad expresion: $arg");
                if ($matches->length == 0) {
                     throw new Exception("No match for $arg");
                if ($matches->length > 1) {
                     throw new Exception("{$matches->length} matches for arg");
                return $matches->item(0);

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