PHP Internet Services Sending MIME Mail - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Internet Services Sending MIME Mail - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Friday, June 21, 2019

PHP Internet Services Sending MIME Mail

PHP Internet Services 

Sending MIME Mail


You want to send MIME email. For example, you want to send multipart messages with both plain text and HTML portions and have MIME-aware mail readers automatically display the correct portion.


Use Zetacomponent’s ezcMailComposer class, specifying both a plainText and an htmlText property as follows:

       $message = new ezcMailComposer();
       $message->from = new ezcMailAddress('');
       $message->addTo(new ezcMailAddress('', 'Adam'));
       $message->subject = 'New Version of PHP Released!';
       $body = 'Go to and download it today!';
       $message->plainText = $body;
       $html = '<html><body><b>Hooray!</b> New PHP Version!</body></html>';
       $message->htmlText = $html;

       $sender = new ezcMailMtaTransport();


With the htmlText property specified, ezcMailComposer does all the hard work for you of constructing the appropriate headers and body delimiters so that mail readers interpret the e-mail message properly.

Including inline images is easy with ezcMailComposer. Just reference the appropriate local path in the src attribute of an <img/> tag:

       $message = new ezcMailComposer();
       $message->from = new ezcMailAddress('');
       $message->addTo(new ezcMailAddress('', 'Adam'));
       $message->subject = 'New Version of PHP Released!';
       $body = 'Go to and download it today!';
       $message->plainText = $body;
       $html = '<html>Me: <img src="file:///home/me/picture.png"/></html>';
       $message->htmlText = $html;

       $sender = new ezcMailMtaTransport();

When you call $message->build(), ezcMailComposer looks for the file specified in the <img/> tag, includes its contents as an attachment to the message, and updates the HTML appropriately to reference the attachment.

To add an attachment to the message, such as a graphic or an archive, call addFileAttachment() or addStringAttachment():

       $message = new ezcMailComposer();
       $message->from = new ezcMailAddress('');
       $message->addTo(new ezcMailAddress('', 'Adam'));
       $message->subject = 'New Version of PHP Released!';
       $body = 'Go to and download it today!';
       $message->plainText = $body;
       $message->addStringAttachment('extra.txt','Some text', 'text/plain');


       $sender = new ezcMailMtaTransport();

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