PHP Classes and Objects Program: whereis - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Classes and Objects Program: whereis - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Monday, May 27, 2019

PHP Classes and Objects Program: whereis

PHP Classes and Objects

Program: whereis

Although tools such as phpDocumentor provide quite detailed information about an entire series of classes, it can be useful to get a quick dump that lists all the functions and methods defined in a list of files.

The program in example loops through a list of files, includes them, and then uses the Reflection classes to gather information about them. Once the master list is compiled, the functions and methods are sorted alphabetically and printed out.

Example   whereis

          if ($argc < 2) {
               print "$argv[0]: classes1.php [, ...]\n";

          // Include the files
          foreach (array_slice($argv, 1) as $filename) {
               include_once $filename;

          // Get all the method and function information
          // Start with the classes
          $methods = array();
          foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
               $r = new ReflectionClass($class);
               // Eliminate built-in classes
               if ($r->isUserDefined()) {
                      foreach ($r->getMethods() as $method) {
                           // Eliminate inherited methods
                           if ($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() == $class) {
                                $signature = "$class::" . $method->getName();
                                $methods[$signature] = $method;

          // Then add the functions
          $functions = array();
          $defined_functions = get_defined_functions();
          foreach ($defined_functions['user'] as $function) {
                 $functions[$function] = new ReflectionFunction($function);

          // Sort methods alphabetically by class
          function sort_methods($a, $b) {
                 list ($a_class, $a_method) = explode('::', $a);
                 list ($b_class, $b_method) = explode('::', $b);

                 if ($cmp = strcasecmp($a_class, $b_class)) {
                      return $cmp;

                 return strcasecmp($a_method, $b_method);
          uksort($methods, 'sort_methods');
          // Sort functions alphabetically
          // This is less complicated, but don't forget to
          // remove the method sorting function from the list
          // Sort 'em

          // Print out information
          foreach (array_merge($functions, $methods) as $name => $reflect) {
                 $file = $reflect->getFileName();
                 $line = $reflect->getStartLine();

                 printf ("%-25s | %-40s | %6d\n", "$name()", $file, $line);

This code uses both the Reflection classes and also a couple of PHP functions, get_declared_classes() and get_declared_functions(), that aren’t part of the Reflection classes, but help with introspection.

It’s important to filter out any built-in PHP classes and functions; otherwise, the report will be less about your code and more about your PHP installation. This is handled in two different ways. Because get_declared_classes() doesn’t distinguish between user and internal classes, the code calls ReflectionClass::isUserDefined() to check. The get_defined_function() call, on the other hand, actually computes this for you, putting the information in the user array element.

Because it’s easier to scan the output of a sorted list, the script sorts the arrays of methods and functions. Because multiple classes can have the same method, you need to use a user-defined sorting method, sort_methods(), which first compares two methods by their class names and then by their method names.

Once the data is sorted, it’s a relatively easy task to loop though the merged arrays, gather up the filename and starting line numbers, and print out a report.

Here are the results of running the PEAR HTTP class through the script:

         HTTP::Date()                           |  /usr/lib/php/HTTP.php                                    | 38
         HTTP::head()                           |  /usr/lib/php/HTTP.php                                    | 144
         HTTP::negotiateLanguage() |  /usr/lib/php/HTTP.php                                    | 77
         HTTP::redirect()                      |  /usr/lib/php/HTTP.php                                    | 186

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