PHP Arrays Sorting an Array by a Computable Field - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript PHP Arrays Sorting an Array by a Computable Field - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Monday, May 20, 2019

PHP Arrays Sorting an Array by a Computable Field

PHP Arrays

Sorting an Array by a Computable Field


You want to define your own sorting routine.


Use usort() in combination with a custom comparison function:

            $tests = array('test1.php', 'test10.php', 'test11.php', 'test2.php');

            // sort in reverse natural order
            usort($tests, function ($a, $b) {
                      return strnatcmp($b, $a);


The comparison function must return a value greater than 0 if $a > $b, 0 if $a == $b, and a value less than 0 if $a < $b. To sort in reverse, do the opposite. The function in the Solution, strnatcmp(), obeys those rules.

To reverse the sort, instead of multiplying the return value of strnatcmp($a, $b) by -1, switch the order of the arguments to strnatcmp($b, $a).

The comparison function doesn’t need to be a wrapper for an existing sort or an anonymous function. For instance, the date_sort() function, shown in example, shows how to sort dates.

Example   date_sort( )

            // expects dates in the form of "MM/DD/YYYY"
            function date_sort($a, $b) {
                      list($a_month, $a_day, $a_year) = explode('/' , $a);
                      list($b_month, $b_day, $b_year) = explode('/' , $b);

                      if ($a_year > $b_year ) return 1;
                      if ($a_year < $b_year ) return -1;

                      if ($a_month > $b_month) return 1;
                      if ($a_month < $b_month) return -1;

                      if ($a_day > $b_day ) return 1;
                      if ($a_day < $b_day ) return -1;

                      return 0;

            $dates = array('12/14/2000', '08/10/2001', '08/07/1999');
            usort($dates, 'date_sort');

While sorting, usort() frequently recomputes the comparison function’s return values each time it’s needed to compare two elements, which slows the sort. To avoid unnecessary work, you can cache the comparison values, as shown in array_sort() in example.

Example   array_sort( )

            function array_sort($array, $map_func, $sort_func = '') {
                      $mapped = array_map($map_func, $array);     // cache $map_func() values
                      if (' ' === $sort_func) {
                           asort($mapped);                                            // asort() is faster then usort()
                      } else {
                           uasort($mapped, $sort_func);                       // need to preserve keys

                      while (list($key) = each($mapped)) {
                           $sorted[] = $array[$key];                              // use sorted keys

                      return $sorted;

To avoid unnecessary work, array_sort() uses a temporary array, $mapped, to cache the return values. It then sorts $mapped, using either the default sort order or a user specified sorting routine. Importantly, it uses a sort that preserves the key/value relationship. 

By default, it uses asort() because asort() is faster than uasort(). (Slowness in uasort() is the whole reason for array_sort() after all.) Finally, it creates a sorted array, $sorted, using the sorted keys in $mapped to index the values in the original array.

For small arrays or simple sort functions, usort() is faster, but as the number of computations grows, array_sort() surpasses usort(). The following example sorts elements by their string lengths, a relatively quick custom sort:

            function u_length($a, $b) {
                      $a = strlen($a);
                      $b = strlen($b);

                      if ($a == $b) return 0;
                      if  ($a  > $b) return 1;
                                           return -1;


            function map_length($a) {
                      return strlen($a);

            $tests = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
                                   'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten');

            // faster for < 5 elements using u_length()
            usort($tests, 'u_length');

            // faster for >= 5 elements using map_length()
            $tests = array_sort($tests, 'map_length');

Here, array_sort() is faster than usort() once the array reaches five elements.

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