Concept of Object oriented Programming - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript Concept of Object oriented Programming - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Concept of Object oriented Programming

Concept of Object oriented Programming

Programming languages

Three types of programming languages

Machine languages

üStrings of numbers giving machine specific instructions

Assembly languages

üEnglish-like abbreviations representing elementary computer 
operations (translated via assemblers)



High-level languages

üCodes similar to everyday English

üUse mathematical notations (translated via compilers)

üExample:           grossPay = basePay + overTimePay

Structured Programming

üStructured programming

üDisciplined approach to writing 


üClear, easy to test and debug and easy 

to modify

üStructured programming is hard and

 takes time to master

üCan handle the program complexity

 up to a certain size.

Recent Trend:  Object-oriented 


Procedure Oriented Programming

üThe problem is viewed as a sequence of 
actions and a number of functions are written 
to solve these actions.

Large problem is divided into smaller 
programs known as modular programming

üData move openly around the system

 from function to function.

üEmploys top-down approach in

 program design.

Object –Oriented Programming

üEmphasis is on data rather than

üPrograms are divided into objects.

üObjects can communicate with

 each other through functions.

üNew data and functions can be 

easily added whenever necessary.

üFollow bottom up approach in
 program design.

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