Java Calculating Trigonometric Functions - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript Java Calculating Trigonometric Functions - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Java Calculating Trigonometric Functions

Java Calculating Trigonometric Functions


You need to compute sine, cosine, and other trigonometric functions.


Use the trig functions in java.lang.Math . Like java.lang.Math.random( ) , all the
methods of the Math class are static, so no Math instance is necessary. This makes
sense, as none of these computations maintains any state. Note that the arguments
for trigonometric functions are in radians, not in degrees. Here is a program that
computes a few (mostly) trigonometric values and displays the values of e and PI that
are available in the math library:

System.out.println("Java's PI is " + Math.PI);
System.out.println("Java's e is " + Math.E);
System.out.println("The cosine of 1.1418 is " + Math.cos(1.1418));

The java.lang.StrictMath class, introduced in JDK 1.3, is intended to perform the same operations as java.lang.Math but with greater cross-platform repeatability.

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