Laravel Introduction - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript Laravel Introduction - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Monday, November 26, 2018

Laravel Introduction

Laravel Introduction

laravel framework

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

Since its initial release in 2011, Laravel has experienced exponential growth. In 2015, it became the most starred PHP framework on GitHub and rose to the go-to framework for people all over the world. Laravel is a web application development framework for PHP. It makes the task of building a database-backed PHP app much easier than if you simply started from scratch. 

This framework is open source framework. It facilitates developers by saving huge time and helps reduce the thinking and planning to develop the entire website from scratch. Along with that security of the application is also Laravel take care of. Hence all its features can boost the web development pace for you. If anyone is familiar with the basics of PHP along with some intermediate PHP scripting, then Laravel can craft your work more easily.

History of laravel

History of laravel

Laravel was developed and created by Sir Taylor Otwell as an attempt for giving an excellent substitute for the older PHP framework named CodeIgniter. And this was because CodeIgniter did not offer such great features like support for built-in customer authentication and proper user authorization.

 On 9th of July, 2011 Laravel released its first beta version, and later in same month Laravel 1 got released. Other than authentication, Laravel also has built-in support for localization, views, dealing with sessions, routing the request to the specific controller and other amazing features. Since its initial release in 2011, Laravel has experienced exponential growth. In 2015, it became the most starred PHP framework on GitHub and rose to the go-to framework for people all over the world.

Top Six Features of Laravel Framework

It is the latest and best web application framework with advanced query syntax that makes web development very simple. It is helpful for developing web applications for different industries like tourism, finance, education etc. Here, are some most important features of 5.0.1 which make this PHP framework an ideal choice for developing various kinds of enterprise web applications.

features of laravel

1. Entirely new directory structure:

Laravel 5.0.1 comes with an entirely new directory structure. Laravel 5.0.1 uses PSR-4 autoloading standards that mean all the classes are fully namespaced now. In this version, config, storage, and database folders are moved from the app folder in the new structure. Additionally. It offers the new resources folder for containing language and template files.
2. Route caching:

Route caching feature speeds up the application route registration. This feature is ideal for such development projects that have large numbers of routes. However, once route caching is turned on, any changes that you make to the application routes will not take effect. Routing caching is generally implemented as a part of the deployment process.
3. Inbuilt Authentication System:

Authentication is very crucial part of any web application because developers are spending the lots of time for coding authentication of any enterprise system. Authentication made simpler with Laravel 5.1, as it comes with inbuilt authentication. Developers only need to configure database, controllers, models to make this system work.
4. Multiple file system support:

Laravel 5 offers great support for multiple file system for that it uses third party package Flysystem to provide support for multiple files. It provides an option for developers to use local or cloud-based storage to provide simple configuration. Moreover, developers can easily set storage options in config/filesystems.php file.
5. Improved method injection:

Method Injection has improved a lot with the Laravel 5.0.1. Until this update, web developers need to demand inversion of control to provide a class instance. But now they can declare the type hinted class instance in the controller method’s signature.
6. Contracts:

contracts are basically a set of interfaces that defines the core services. If developers wants caching in a package, they can easily do that by using Illuminate\Contacts\cache. It allows developers to do cache programming using the concrete cache class without needs to change the package code.

These are some of the most important features of Laravel 5.1 development. Apart from these, there are other features like queue and task scheduling, request object, Laravel socialite etc. With this version, Laravel framework has improved a lot from the architectural perspective.

Laravel: An efficient PHP web development framework

Laravel is a modern-age, open source, and highly flexible PHP-based web application development framework that is used for supporting faster and effective customized web development services. Developed in 2011, the PHP Laravel web development framework is comparatively new. However, with its plethora of attractive features and ease of use, it has managed to become a leading web development option for the web developers around the globe.
php web development framework
Right after its advent into the technology world, Laravel has emerged itself to be a colossal web development supportive community offering an array of important learning resources as well as tutorials towards helping out the web developers and programmers across the globe into designing and developing highly interactive web portals and applications. This is the reason why Laravel is used by most of the PHP developers and programmers out there towards shaping the diverse range of highly functional web applications.

Reasons why laravel the best PHP framework for web development

best php framework

• Effective authorization process.

• Presence of object-oriented libraries.

• Useful MVC support.

• Top-notch security.

• Seamless database migration.

• Amazing useful tutorials.

Laravel Web Development has the following advantages:

php framework advantage

  1. → This web application framework makes the development process quite easier. It takes very little time to complete the web project with the help of this software.
  2.  → This increases the number of online traffic in your website. Now the question is how? Well, this technology is applicable on any browser and device as well. 
  3.  → It incorporates certain flexible features in your applications. It also includes the modular packaging systems. Thus, it will help simplify the website. 
  4.  → You can also create different routes with the name of the same existing route. This is because Laravel can create unique URLs in regards to it. 
  5.  → The PHP does not need special inclusion paths and maintenance. It is due to an auto loading facility contained in this software.

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