Backup Database using Perl Script - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript Backup Database using Perl Script - Supercoders | Web Development and Design | Tutorial for Java, PHP, HTML, Javascript


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Monday, July 30, 2018

Backup Database using Perl Script

Backup Database from Perl Script


Sometime we  need to Regularly Take Our Database Backup then Will Do this Our Process Simple By Using the perl script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
use Mail::Sender;

$space = ' ';

#### Read the backup directives
open(CONF, "<$ARGV[0]") || die "\nCan't open CONF file.\nPlease specify the full name and path of the .autoArchive.conf file.\n";
while ($line = <CONF>){
      if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+=\s+'(\S+)';/){
         my ($var, $value) = (substr($1,1,length($1)), $2); 
         $$var = $value;               

#### Build list of DBs
if ($all_dbs eq 'yes'){
   @selected_dbs = get_dbs();

#### Loop through DBs in list
while ($selected_dbs[$db_loop]){
      #### Build list of tables for this DB
      if ($all_tables eq 'yes'){
         @selected_tables = get_tables();}

#### Get all the DB names
sub get_dbs{
    $dbh = logon();
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("show databases") 
        or die "Can't create SQL statement\n$DBI::errstr";
    $rc  = $sth->execute 
        or die "Can't execute SHOW DATABASEs\n$DBI::errstr";

    while ($db_name = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
          $dbs [$db_count++] = $db_name;
    return @dbs;

#### Get all the table names
sub get_tables{
    $table_count = 0;
    $db_in       = $selected_dbs[$db_loop];
    $dbh         = logon();

    $sth = $dbh->prepare("Show Tables")    
        or die "Can't create SQL statement: $DBI::errstr";
    $rc  = $sth->execute 
        or die "Can't SHOW tables in $db_in's database: $DBI::errstr";   

    while ($table_name = $sth->fetchrow_array){
          $tables [$table_count++] = $table_name . ' ';
    return @tables;

 #### DBI Logon process
 sub logon{
     $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db_in:$db_host:$db_port", $user, $password)
          or die "Can't logon to database:\n$DBI::errstr";

 #### DBI Logoff process
 sub logoff{
     return $dbh->disconnect;

 #### Backup the database
 sub archive_data{
     $time_in = time();
     if ($user ne ''){
        $logon = '--user=' . $user;}
     if ($password ne ''){
        $logon = $logon . ' --password=' . $password;}

     $month     = substr($time = localtime, 4, 3);
     if (($day  = substr($time, 8, 2)) < 10){
        $day    = '0' . substr($day, 1, 1);}
     $year      = substr($time, 20, 4);
     $date      = $month . $date_seperator . $day . $date_seperator . $year;
     $dump_file = $dump_directory . $selected_dbs[$db_loop] . '.' . $date . '.' . $dump_extension;   

     $dump_command = $dump_path .$dump_prog   . $space . 
                     $dump_parms              . $space .
                     $logon                   . $space .
                     $selected_dbs[$db_loop]  . $space .
                     '>'                      . $space .

     $gzip_command = $gzip_path . $gzip_prog  . $space .
                     $gzip_parms              . $space .

     $OS_return .= `$dump_command`;
     $OS_return .= `$gzip_command`;

     $time_out = time();

 #### Email the backup files
 sub mail_archive{
     if ($smtp_auth eq 'yes'){

     $time_taken       = elapsed_time();
     $email_subject    = $selected_dbs[$db_loop] . ' DB Backup - ' . $date;
     $email_attachment = $dump_file . $gzip_extension;
     $message_body     = 'Note:  The database backup took: ' . $time_taken . ' to complete.';
     print "$smtp, $email_from, $email_to, $email_subject\n$message_body\n$email_attachment\n";
     $sender = new Mail::Sender 
                       {smtp    => $smtp,   
                        from    => $email_from};
     $sender->MailFile({to      => "$email_to",
                        subject => "$email_subject",
                        msg     => "$message_body",
                        file    => $email_attachment})
           or die "Backup file EMailing Failed.\n$Mail::Sender::Error\n";

 ### Note execution time
 sub elapsed_time{
     $timediff = $time_out - $time_in;
     $hours    = int ($timediff / 3600);
     $minutes  = int ($timediff / 60);
     $seconds  = $timediff - ($hours * 3600) - ($hours * 60);     
     return $hours . ' hrs ' . $minutes . ' mins ' . $seconds . ' secs ';

 ### POP3 Logon
 sub pop_authentication{
     use Mail::POP3Client;
     $pop = new Mail::POP3Client(USER     => $pop_user,
                                 PASSWORD => $pop_pwd,
                                 HOST     => $pop,
                                 DEBUG    => 99)
         or die "POP3 Authentication Failed.\n$Mail::POP3Client::Error\n";


$db_host         = 'localhost';                # What box is the DB on?
$db_port         = '3306';                     # What port should an external DB be contacted on
$user            = 'dbusername';               # What is the DB's userid
$password        = 'dbpassword';               # What is the DB's password

$email_to        = '';    # Who should receive the backup file?
$email_from      = '';   # Whom should the job say it is from?
$smtp            = 'localhost';                # Name of SMTP server
$smtp_auth       = 'yes';                      # SMTP requires POP3 authentication?
$pop             = 'localhost';                # Name of POP3  server
$pop_user        = 'popusername';              # POP3 userid for SMTP authentication
$pop_pwd         = 'poppassword';              # POP3 password for SMTP authentication

$all_dbs         = 'no';                       # Should this job backup every database?
@selected_dbs    = qw['yourdbname'];           # If no, above, which databases should be backed up?

$all_tables      = 'no';                       # Should all of a database's tables be backed up?
@selected_tables = qw['table1','table2'];      # If no, above, which tables should be backed up?

$dump_prog       = 'mysqldump';                # What should be used to dump the tables?
$dump_path       = '/usr/bin/';                # Where can the dump program be found?
$dump_parms      = '--opt';                    # What options should the dump program receive?
$dump_directory  = '/backup/location/';        # Where should the backup files be written?
$dump_extension  = 'DB_Backup';                # What suffix should be applied to the backup files?

$gzip_prog       = 'gzip';                     # What zip program should be used?
$gzip_path       = '/bin/;                     # Where can the zip program be found?
$gzip_parms      = '-9f';                      # What options should the zip program receive?
$gzip_extension  = '.gz';                      # What suffix should be applied to the zipped files?

$date_seperator  = '-';                        # What should be used to seperate the date components in the file name?

Then We Just need to Run this Script in Cron Job in Our Website it will daily backup your database and emailed to you.

Cron Command

30 */12 * * * perl /path/to/

This will run cron every 12 hours at half past of hour.


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